So I started Vlogging…

Well this is an interesting development. Thanks a virus, London is now on lockdown. And though I’ve self isolated for about a week before that, it became increasingly clear that this would not end any time soon.

I’m not one who cannot keep his mind busy, but the idea of potentially not filming anything for months filled me with an uncomfortable longing. So I suddenly had an idea. I had all these DVDs and Blu-Rays which I hadn’t touched in ages and I thought, why not watch them all.

Going through all the choices on Netflix, Amazon etc can be quite time consuming, plus there are discs that I’ve owned for years that I have not watched yet and because of VOD have not bothered thinking about either.

So hence, I’m now watching my whole collection (well, what ever is left of it!) and in alphabetical order and decided to report on my progress. Inviting my kids or my partner to watch it with me. I may even go as far as having an online watch party, where we all watch the same movie together via Skype. I haven’t quite decided on that yet.

But if you want a taste of the ones I did in my first week of Vlogging, here are some of the reviews.